
Lapin Panimo

Lapland Brewery

Brand and identity, Packaging design, Marketing and campaigns, Websites

WordPress, WooCommerce

Hippu olutpullo keskellä puroa

Project in a nutshell

Lapland Brewery is an authentically Lappish small brewery that started its operation in 2016. We have been involved in the company’s journey right from the start by designing the company a recognizable visual identity, bottle labels, marketing materials, content for social media and the company website.

Olutpullo keskellä suo maisemaa
Kuva neuvottelutilan seinästä johon on teipattu lapin panimon logo
Tienvarsikyltti Lapin Panimon mainoksella
Lahjapakkaus Lapin Panimon oluita
Kide lonkero keskellä metsä mätästä
Tabletti pöydällä jossa auki Lapin Panimo verkkokauppa


Project Manager

Kalle Tapio

Creative Director / Entrepreneur

Tel. +358 40 705 0836

Lapland Brewery

Sini Liikanen

Graphic Designer

Tel. +358 50 476 6700

Interested? We are happy to tell you more

Get in touch and let us know about your starting point and what you are searching for. We will contact you via mail or by phone as soon as our experts have gone through your request.

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